Design: S Mate Olah
Material: Bamboo
The OO stool is a flat pack bamboo furniture that brings Japanese joinery together with contemporary CNC technology.
The pieces are cut out from a bamboo plywood board.
The parts are designed with the aim to reduce the negative space, waste of the bamboo board.
The joinery of the stool makes it possible to assemble the furniture piece just with a bamboo hammer which is cut out from the same wooden board as the OO stool. No need for screws, nails, glue...
Simplicity and easy maintainability are the key elements of the OO stool.
Design: S Mate Olah
Material: Bamboo
The OO stool is a flatpack bamboo furniture that brings Japanese joinery together with contemporary CNC technology. The pieces are made from bamboo plywood and the minimalization of production waste is a significant element of the design.
The joinery of the stool makes it possible to assemble the furniture piece just with a bamboo hammer which is cut out from the same wooden board as the OO stool. No need for screws, nails, glue...
Simplicity and easy maintainability are the key elements of the OO stool.