Concept: S Mate Olah
Material: clay, 3D printed PLA
locked waste bin
card reader on the waste bin
This project investigates how closed waste bins can be hacked to provide access for those who were excluded from the waste management system. In certain cities in the Netherlands the waste bins on the street can be only accessed by a magnet card. These cards are sent out via post to the residents.
The shape of the keyhole was copied using a piece of soft clay, which was then used to create a 3D model by taking measurements from the clay. From the 3D model, a ring and necklace medallion were 3D printed that could be used to open the bins' back door.
The purpose of this project is to address the exclusion of individuals living in nearby parks from the waste management system. The necklace provides a solution that allows these individuals to dispose of their waste safely.
This public intervention project aimed to promote inclusivity and accessibility by providing access to the waste management system and hoping to inspire discussions and reflections on the inequalities created by waste management policies.
The piece of clay after pressed into the keyhole to copy its shape
keyhole on the waste bin's backdoor
Assembled ring and medallion
necklace medallion
the ring and medallion are assembled so it can function as a key to the backdoor of the locked waste bins.
Concept: S Mate Olah
Material: clay, 3D printed PLA
This project investigates how closed waste bins can be hacked to provide access for those who were excluded from the waste management system. In certain cities in the Netherlands the waste bins on the street can be only accessed by a magnet card. These cards are sent out via post to the residents.
locked waste bin
card reader on the waste bin
The shape of the keyhole was copied using a piece of soft clay, which was then used to create a 3D model by taking measurements from the clay. From the 3D model, a ring and necklace medallion were 3D printed that could be used to open the bins' back door.
The purpose of this project is to address the exclusion of individuals living in nearby parks from the waste management system. The necklace provides a solution that allows these individuals to dispose of their waste safely.
This public intervention project aimed to promote inclusivity and accessibility by providing access to the waste management system and hoping to inspire discussions and reflections on the inequalities created by waste management policies.
the ring and medallion are assembled
so it can function as a key to the backdoor
of the locked waste bins.
The piece of clay after
pressed into the keyhole
to copy its shape
keyhole on the
waste bin's backdoor
Assembled ring and medallion